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dc.contributor.authorPolyium, Udomwish
dc.contributor.authorWichiranon, Songsiri
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research were to study of chemicals management problems in Thailand s higher educational Institutions. It also focused on comparing of problems level of teachers who were different in sex, age, educational level, Institutions and chemistry teaching experience. The sample of this research was 205 chemistry teachers in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science from 14 Institutions in Bangkok and in related other areas in Thailand s Higher Educational Institutions. The instruments used in this research were the questionnaire of 5-rated rating scales of those 4 categories. The reliability of the questionnaire was that the storage of chemicals 0.80, the using of chemicals 0.75, the disposal chemicals 0.84, the chemicals hazardous prevention 0.79, with the total average of 0.82. The data were analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Science for Windows(SPSS for windows). The statistic used was mean, standard deviation, Hest, one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD of Multiple Comparison Test. The results of the research were: 1. The chemistry teachers had the problems of those 4 categories of chemicals management of chemistry laboratories as well as the overall average value at the medium level. 2. The chemistry teachers with differences in sex had the problems of those 4 categories of chemicals management of chemistry laboratories as well as the overall average value of non-significant differences. 3. The chemistry teachers with differences in age had the problems of those 4 categories of chemicals management of chemistry laboratories as well as the overall average value of significant differences. 4. The chemistry teachers with differences in educational level had the problems level of the overall average value of significant differences in master educational level with doctoral and post doctoral educational level. 5. The chemistry teachers with differences in Institutions had the problems level of the overall average value of significant differences in old Institutions with Kingmongkok Rajabhat and Rajamangala Universites. 6. The chemistry teachers with differences in chemistry teaching experience had the problems level of the overall average value of significant differences in less than 5 year, 5-10 year and.more than 10 year.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamagala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectInstitutions of higher education.en_US
dc.titleChemicals management of chemistry laboratories in thailand's higher educational institutions.en_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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