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dc.contributor.authorKankaew, Prasong
dc.description.abstractComparing the shrinkage values of HDPE 2 – 4 % that limited from manufacturer are as the following: 1. Comparing the shrinkage of 60 X 60 mm. specimen The result showed that there aren’t any shrinkage differences among follow the injection, across the injection and the limited value from the manufacturer. 1.1 Comparing the shrinkage of the specimen with 2 mm. thick The result showed that the shrinkage between at the point nearby the entrance is different from at the point further from the entrance and it is also different from the limited value from the manufacturer. 2. Comparing the shrinkage of 12.7 X 27 mm. specimen The result showed that there aren’t any shrinkage differences among follow the injection, across the injection and the limited value from the manufacturer. 2.1 Comparing the shrinkage of the specimen with 3.2 mm. thick The result showed that there aren’t any shrinkage differences among the point nearby the entrance, the point further from the entrance and the limited value from the manufacturer. 3. Comparing the shrinkage of 100 mm. round specimen The result showed that there aren’t any shrinkage differences among follow the injection, across the injection and the limited value from the manufacturer. 3.1 Comparing the shrinkage of the specimen with 3.2 mm. thick The result showed that there aren’t any shrinkage differences among the point nearby the entrance, the point further from the entrance and the limited value from the manufacturer. Comparing the shrinkage values of PET 0.2 - 0.4% that limited from manufacturer are as the following: 1. Comparing the shrinkage of 60 X 60 mm. specimen The finding revealed that the shrinkage value of the follow injection is different from the across injection but it is not different from the limited value from the manufacturer. 1.2 Comparing the shrinkage of the specimen with 2 mm. thick The finding revealed that the shrinkage value between the point nearby the entrance and the point further from the entrance are different but the same as the limitation from the manufacturer. 2. Comparing the shrinkage of 12.7 X 27 mm. specimen The finding revealed that the shrinkage value of the follow injection is different from the across injection but the same as the limited value from the manufacturer. 2.1 Comparing the shrinkage of the specimen with 3.2 mm. thick The result showed that there aren’t any shrinkage differences among follow the injection, across the injection and the limited value from the manufacturer. 3. Comparing the shrinkage of 100 mm. round specimen The finding revealed that the shrinkage value of the follow injection is different from the across injection but it is not different from the limited value from the manufacturer. 3.1 Comparing the shrinkage of the specimen with 3.2 mm. thick The finding revealed that the shrinkage value of the follow injection, the across injection and the limited value from the manufacturer are the same. Both comparing HDPE and PET have statistical significance at 0.05en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamagala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectMolded plastic.en_US
dc.titleThis research aims to compare the shrinkage value that limited from manufacturer with the ASTM D955 Standard Test Methoden_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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