Browsing Student Projects by Author "[email protected]"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Beauty salon users’ decisions and Behaviors in Maung District, Nonthaburi
Vibunjan, Pattaradej; ภัทรเดช วิบูลย์จันทร์ (2560-10-03)The study on beauty salon users’ decisions and behaviors in Maung district, Nonthaburi was aimed to (1) investigate the beauty salon users’ personal factors, (2) explore their decision levels, (3) look into their behaviors, ... -
Factors affecting on volume and audit Quality of Thai auditor
Youngmanee, Siriyapa; สิริยาภา ยวงมณี (2560-11-03)The research aims to study the factors affecting on volume and audit quality of Thai auditor by using empirical research. The population and sample in the research are the CPAs in Bangkok. The research tool are questionnaire ... -
Factors affecting the effectiveness of risk management for organization sustainability: case study of an anonymous revenue office in Bangkok region
Phakdee, Rinlaphat (2560-11-03)sustainability; case study of an anonymous revenue office in Bangkok Region by using In-depth interview technique, participative observation and open-ended questionnaire. The participants in the interview process consists ... -
The impact of personnel development activity model towards Bangkok central crown property bureau personnel capacity development
Limchalearm, Thongchai; ธงชัย ลิ้มเฉลิม (2560-11-03)The purposes of the study were to 1) investigate opinions towards the personnel development activity model, 2) explore opinions towards the personnel development, and 3) examine the personnel development activity model ... -
The Information technology department employees’ organizational commitment, faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Phromawan, Wilasinee (2560-11-03)The purposes of the study were to investigate 1) personal factors of practitioner level personnel working in Information Technology Department at Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, 2) personnel’s ... -
มณีรัตน์ บุญยงค์; อังศุภา ขุนเจ๋ง; มยุรี มารยาท (2018-10-16) -
ระบบการสั่งซื้อและจัดส่งกรอบรูปออนไลน์กรณีศึกษา ร้านทรรศ เฟรมมิ่ง
ณัฐทิชา ตั้งจิตพาณิช; ปิยะพงษ์ เขตหาญ; พันธ์ทิพย์ ใสผุด (2018-10-08) -
เพ็ญพักตร์ กิตติรุจิระพันธ์; อักษราภัค เสตะวีระ (2018-10-18) -
ธนธร พลนอก; สมเกียรติ มลิทอง; รวีวรรณ รื่นรมย์ (2018-11-08)