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dc.contributor.authorWichiranon, Songsiri
dc.description.abstractThe purpose ofthis research is to study the factors affecting the undergraduate students' achievement on Research Methodology Course, Rajamangala University of Technology Pranakhon, Chotiwet Campus. The sample groups in this research are the third year students of Chotiwet Campus majoring in Food and Nutrition (4 -year -Programme) totaling 133. The research was done by a definitely random selection. The instruments used in data collection are the questionnaires and the statistics by means ofvarious uses namely percentage value, frequency value, Arithmetic means value, standard deviation value, Pearson product moment coeffICient correlation and Step -wise multiple regression analysis. The results ofthe study are asfollow.' 1. Most ofthe sample group arefemale, their grade point averages are 3.00-3.49. They require further their studies in Master degree. As for thefuture career, they want to own private business. The mid-term scores made by the sample group averages at 19.5. Asfor the attitude of the sample group to do research, most ofthe students thought that it was diffICult but they can possibly do. Some students revised their lesson from time to time. In term ofthe class participation, it is found that the sample group can take part in class in an moderate level and personal problems ofthe sample group are in a low level. 2. Factors afficting the students' achievement on Research Methodology which imply signifICantly in statistics at 0.05. Can be divided into twofactors, (1) cumulative grade point average and (2)students'problem ofhow to adjust to the study environment. 3. The two factors can be predictedfor the achievement on Research Methodology at the percentage of31.2 and can beformed as model ofthe Research Methodology achievement predictive equation as follow Y=11079(x1)+3349-1081(x7)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectResearch Methodology courseen_US
dc.subjectSurvey Researchen_US
dc.titleFactors Affecting the Students' Achievement on Research Methodology Course, Rajamangala University of Technology Pranakorn, Chotiwet Campusen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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