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dc.contributor.authorBoonlakron, Naiyana
dc.contributor.authorChaishawat, Numthip
dc.contributor.authorPecthcharat, Khomkat
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, ม.ป.ป.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this reserch was study status, problems and needs in media utilization of instructors of Rajamangala Institute Technology, Chotwet Campus. Reserch gathers information from population, 47 instructors. Quastionnaires were reserch tools. Percentage, mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The result revesled that There was moderate in media utilization Tesching method and instruction were used moderately such as description, discussion and demonstration, highly used fechnique was experiment. Tools and equipments were used wodeklately such as loud-spesker, overhead transparency projector were used highly. Instructional medias were used moderately, highly used matenak were transparencies. transparent pens, boards and resl meterials. The problem in media utilization was moderately, perparation and buying had a moderste problem. High problem was lack of comveniency to produce educational media such as personel officers, tools, materials, equipments, buildings, places and lack of budget in order to buy educational media. Chosen and use in educational media had a little bit problem, but there weremoderately level in time consuming to prepare themselves and complicated to move. Quality and quantity of educational media had a moderste problem such as places rwewn't suitable with media utilization, couldn't control the light of projectors, amount of educational medias werem't sufficient with needs. SeNice had a moderate problem, highly problem were lack of personnel to make photoes, slides, cassette videotape and lack of personnel to produce graphic, chart and portary works for teaching compose not enough. The need of media utilization was highly in tools and equipments. Moderately needs were overhead transparency projectors and transpatent pens. The following needs were opaque projectors and projectors, videotapes. Service had highly needs such as buying high quality educational media as a teaching compose, The following was preparatory necessary educational media such as overhead transparency projectors, loud-speskers and microphones permanency in all of class rooms.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectProblems and needs in media utilizationen_US
dc.subjectAudio-visual materialsen_US
dc.subjectEquipment and suppliesen_US
dc.titleStudy status, problems and needs in media utilization of instructors of Rajamangala Institute Technology, Chotiwet Campusen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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