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dc.contributor.authorSa-nguanduan, Somsak
dc.contributor.authorBoonsak, Prissana
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร,2551en_US
dc.description.abstractUndergraduate educational management of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon has mission point to science and technology vocational based on quality professional workers. Applied technologies on the engineering works have continuous and high progress. The researchers want to emphasis with human development for stepping up to professional works in "The life long studying on working period of faculty of industry textile and fashion design, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhorl." The research objectives are as follows: 1.To know they want to add more performance or to change from nature of the undergraduate field to others, 2.To make the teaching discipllries for gain their standard lffiowledge higher, 3.To study the life long studying on working period offacuity students and alumni. Domain of research and the participant groups 1.students who studying at Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, 2.Alumni want to change their graduated field to others or gain their performance. The research results found that the platforms are according to require on the life long studying in faculty of industry textile and fashion design have to stress on teaching for gain their performance with technology involvements such as production process, coloring process, textile printing, graphic design, and computer cutting forms, according to short period not more than 6 months for studying. The discussions from participants point to continue to study for gain their performance first because economics rapidly changing and several firms want the best persons. They have a lot of best knowledge worker and high performance to work with them. The participants require 1-6 months for studying because the competitive workers in the specific working markets.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectLifelong Educationen_US
dc.titleBachelor faculty ofIndustry textile and fashion design Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon with Life Long Education Careeren_US
dc.title.alternativeการศึกษาตลอดอาชีพคณะอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอและการออกแบบแฟชั่น ของมหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนครen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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