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dc.contributor.authorPedcharat, Khomkhate
dc.contributor.authorMainit, Phatawut
dc.contributor.authorPedcharat, Kasarin
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยราชมงคลพระนคร,2552en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the study was to explore, The relationship of cleaning the container behavior with sink space guide line for sink product. This research an integration of field survey and quasi-experimental techniques were utilized to people who live in condominium in Bangkok and preference assessment of Thai sink product by ninety seven users. This research based on work triangle and evaluation environment for cooking in condominium by experimental. And attitudes expectation of Thai sink product prototype. Variables were used in the framework of this study: size and spatial characteristics of each area understudied for washing in sink. The sizes of areas, which could optimally accommodate such activities, were derived from eleven cases of experimentation. Other than body size and the extent of disability, the study also found that variation in area size was determined by additional factors such as, types of activities, approach to the area, and the individual's skill for that particular activity. Intervening variables, such as fatigues after prolonged and repeated tests, were found partially affected the results of experiments, and attitudes toward the environment and the extent of difficulty to perform each task. The final analysis of the attitude toward the suggested sink product modification was done using data collected from ninety seven users respondents accompanying the disabled. The sink product modification to accommodate all users inclUding the disabled members of the family in accordance with the former environment. The study found, however, that the extent of intimacy with the disabled significantly determined towards sink product modification. In conclusion, the study suggested that conditional application of sink production modification according to the nature of the disabled-in III terms of social psychology, familial background, the extent of disability, and the specific needs required by each of the canteen. IVen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectSink Producten_US
dc.titleDevelopment and Design Sink Producten_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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