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dc.contributor.authorTirasuwanvasee, Sirikarnen_US
dc.contributor.authorศิริกานต์ ติรสุวรรณวาสีen_US
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2564en_US
dc.description.abstractSufficient and sustainable well-being of all Thai citizens has been the main government’s objective for national development. Whether it is about the good health of the people or the country's economy. The main goal of the government is always to assure that everyone can live happily, without torment, no matter which state in life they are; working or retired, everyone has to be able to live comfortably. That is why the government allocates state welfare to the people continually throughout many forms, such as 30 baht for all medical care & treatment project which involves the treatment of all diseases for all Thais. And the living allowance for the elderly etc. These things that the government gives to the people for their well-being are good solution. But it would not be good if the allocated budget has to increase every year due to the number of the retirement age population that has increased more and more over the years and causing the government’s initial projects to cross way the actual needs. Despite the government's policy to support the elderly, in reality of the welfare of the state to care for the elderly seems to be quite inadequate. Some says that it is not enough for sustenance and claim that the elderly pension do not meet the actual expenses in their everyday life. To summarize, many have agreed that the support for the elderly is too little in most people's eyes. So it is only logic to focus in finding the real need of the living for the elderly population At present, it can be seen that the elderly population is increasing, but they are still unable to sustain themselves. There is also a problem with managing their life plan in retirement to be effective and sustainable because most of the population still lack in knowledge and understanding for effective preparation for retirement and causing some people to feel that they do not have enough support regardless of whether government agencies provide state welfare or not. In this research, the researcher studied the sustainable management planning for retirement: a case study of the Chet Samian community, Photharam District, Ratchaburi Province. The researcher uses survey research which applies quantitative research methods. (Quantitative Research Method) using the Chi-square test method and the sample in this research is the population of working age group aged 25-59 years living in Chet Samian community, Photharam district, Ratchaburi province. A total of 400 people were aimed at the following research objectives: 1) To study the attitudes and behaviors of life management of people in retirement age by considering the sample group, working age between 25-59 years old. 2) To find ways to promote sustainable planning for life after retirement and, 3) To study the problems that occur before and after retirement by considering the sample group, working age between 25-59 years old. After the researcher has collected the data and used it for analysis. The researcher found that most of the personal data of the sample population were female, aged between 30-40 years, single, no children, bachelor's degree with income less than 15,000 baht, being a civil servant/state enterprise employee. Their intention after retirement is to run a personal business, currently living with family (husband/wife/children) and intends to continue living with family (husband/wife/children) after retirement, equal proportions between homeowners and residents, most of them don't have credit cards. In addition, the researcher also found that female, aged between 25 - 29 years, single, bachelor's degree with income less than 15,000 baht is a government official/state enterprise employee has intention after retirement that they will run a personal business, currently living with family (husband/wife/children) and intends to continue living with family (husband/wife/children) after retirement, most of them do not have credit cards is the same sample group that has the highest level of planning for life after retirement. However, the researcher tested the hypothesis and found that the majority of people are aware of the rise of an aging society and has increased investments before retirement age. Relying on government’s policy for the elderly is no longer the real answer for the people as working age groups are well prepared to plan and manage their retirement living. Moreover, the educational level of the sample population is related to financial education and investment to prepare for retirement. Lastly, the researcher found that working age people still need a lot of support for knowledge about sustainable retirement life management.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectElderly Planningen_US
dc.titleThe sustainable management planning for retirement : a case study of the chet samian community, Photharam district, Ratchaburi provinen_US
dc.title.alternativeการวางแผนการจัดการแบบยั่งยืนเพื่อการเกษียณอายุ : กรณีศึกษา ชุมชนเจ็ดเสมียน อำเภอ โพธาราม จังหวัดราชบุรีen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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