Bakery products development from the banana pseudo-stems and waste from dried banana production at ban bang ta chocommunity enterprise, Sing Buri Province for sustainable commerce
Soteyome, Thanapop
ธนภพ โสตรโยม
Kee-ariyo, Chayapat
ชญาภัทร์ กี่อาริโย
Sakulyunyongsuk, Nopporn
นพพร สกุลยืนยงสุข
Show full item recordAbstract
Bakery Products Development from the Banana Pseudo-stems and Waste from
Dried Banana Production at Ban Bang Ta Chom Community Enterprise, Sing Buri Province
for Sustainable Commerce. Research on bakery product development from paprika and
bananas in Production of Dried Banana of Bang Ta Chom Housewife Community
Enterprise Group Sing Buri province for sustainable commercialization in order to:
1. Develop bakery products from 4 types of Banana Pseudo-stems and Waste 2. study
the formulas and production processes of bakery products from Banana Pseudo-stems
and Waste 3. study the consumer test of bakery products from 4 types of Banana
Pseudo-stems and Waste and 4. To transfer technology Little Bakery products from
Banana Pseudo-stems and Waste, then bring the shelf life in conditions ranging from
0-10 days and compare the physical properties. Chemical and microorganisms, such as
pH value, color measurement and total number of microorganisms, found that Khanom
Jeen noodles stored in modified atmosphere conditions have longer shelf life than
those stored. At normal atmospheric conditions and vacuum conditions. Chemical
analysis results showed that the bakery products decreased their pH over time. With
values between 4.31 ± 0.00 and 2.99 ± 0.01 and bakery products Stored at 100% carbon
dioxide (CO2) modified atmosphere, packed in a sealed nylon / PET vacuum plastic bag.
Store at room temperature. Can be stored for up to 10 days and found that the total
number of microbes increased when the storage life is longer But not over the standard
of community products so the products are safe and not harmful to consumers.
Consumer test results show that consumers like and are interested in buying bakery
products that use 100 percent carbon dioxide (CO2) at 75 percent.
- Research Report [248]