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dc.contributor.authorPolyium, Udomwishen_US
dc.contributor.authorอุดมเดชา พลเยี่ยมen_US
dc.contributor.authorSawekwiharee, Sangwoeien_US
dc.contributor.authorสังเวย เสวกวิหารีen_US
dc.contributor.authorBoonchoo, Thanapornen_US
dc.contributor.authorธนาพร บุญชูen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuttiyawong, Anchanaen_US
dc.contributor.authorอัญชนา ขัตติยะวงศ์en_US
dc.contributor.authorChansuvarn, Woravithen_US
dc.contributor.authorวรวิทย์ จันทร์สุวรรณen_US
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2562en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to develop a short vocational training course on household chemical products and to develop a training course for shortterm vocational training in the production of household chemicals. Population groups Is a general public in Bangkok and metropolitan area by using the voluntary selection as follows. Trial of a short course on the production of household chemicals 10 participants. Evaluation of short courses in household chemical production 10 participants. Technology transfer, the short-term training course on household chemical production 20 participants and five speakers. The tools used in the research are as follows: 1. Demand questionnaire 2. Short-term vocational training course 3. Satisfaction assessment. Data analysis using statistical software packages. The statistics used were mean ( X ), standard deviation (SD), and t-test. The research found that 1. Study and development of short courses in the production of household chemicals 1.1 selection of household chemicals that will lead to the creation of training courses based on components, Where to buy, Price per set, Properties of components, Safety and hazard, Materials and equipment used for production, storage, use and distribution opportunities 1.2 Creating training courses, training course components and training documents to have a sequence of steps that are easy and convenient for the learning of the general public 2. Trial of a short course on the production of household chemicals 2.1 Most trainees are satisfied with the short-term training program model as follows: Training procedures, Training hours 1.30 hours per 1 course, Short-term courses can be implemented, and the curriculum can be used as a guideline for occupation at the highest level. As for the number of trainees, four people per group per 1 course is at a high level. 2.2 Most of the trainees were satisfied with the speakers and short-term training. In explaining the various components of Household chemicals, Explanation of the mixing process Household chemicals, Integration of household chemical mixing techniques, Explanation of caution In the mixing of household chemicals And explaining how to pack household chemicals at the highest level 3.Short-term evaluation of household chemical production 3.1 Most trainees are satisfied with the short-term training program model. The training process, Training hours 1.30 hours per 1 course, Short-term courses can be implemented, and courses can be used as guidelines for their career at the highest level. As for the number of trainees, four people per group per 1 course is at a high level. 3.2 Most of the trainees were satisfied with the speakers and short-term training. Explain the various components of household chemicals, Explanation of the mixing process Household chemicals, Integration of household chemical mixing techniques. Explanation of caution In the mixing of household chemicals And explaining how to pack household chemicals at the highest level 4.Technology transfer, the short-term training course on household chemicalproduction 4.1 Most of the trainees were satisfied with the trainers for short-term training. Explain the various components of household chemicals, Explanation of the mixing process Household chemicals, Integration of household chemical mixing techniques, Explanation of caution in the mixing of household chemicals and explaining how to pack household chemicals at the highest level 4.2 Most trainees were satisfied with the short-term training program model. Regarding the number of trainees, four people per group, Training procedures, The number of training hours is 1.30 hours per course, the highest level. Furthermore, short courses can be implemented. As for the curriculum, it can be used as a guideline for a career at a high level.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectCurriculum developmenten_US
dc.titleDevelopment of short courses in the production of household chemicalsen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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