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dc.contributor.authorLawongsa, Kechaen_US
dc.contributor.authorเกชา ลาวงษาen_US
dc.descriptionวิทยานิพนธ์ (คศ.ม.) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2560en_US
dc.description.abstractThe research on development of pattern of cotton by using weaving technique in type of Mudmee fabric for metrosexual menswear by method of cutting and connecting has the objectives to : 1) develop pattern of cotton by using weaving technique in type of Mudmee fabric; 2) design of metrosexual menswear by using cutting and connecting from developed Mudmee cotton; 3) design the brand and packaging product to increase product value; 4) survey satisfaction of target group. The researcher studied by using Art Nouveau concept and by designing the cotton pattern by using Mudmee weaving technique, numbering three patterns, binding to make pattern, woven to be fabric, in order to make menswear in metrosexual style by using the method of cutting and connecting prototype, consisting of one set of vest, two sets of suits and two sets of overcoats, as well as designing of brand, numbering five types, at the same time The researcher designed packaging product, in five types, using in surveying satisfaction of target group of thirty persons: Designer, Merchandiser, Graphic designer, Visual merchandiser and person having fabric weaving experience, by method of purposive sampling, analyzing data by using statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The study result was found that most respondents were female, aged 36-40 years, single status, most have taste of female gender, having income of 45,001 Baht onwards. The educational level was Bachelor Degree. Respondents previously bought and used products and accessories for clothes from Mudmee cotton. The types selected to buy the most were vests, bags and shawls, respectively. The occasions in wearing the most of all were important festivals, selecting to buy clothes and accessories for clothes from cotton by using Mudmee weaving technique, in each occasion, price 500-1,000 Baht per one piece. Most persons participating in deciding to buy were friends. The sets of clothes for the groups wishing to design in sets of woman clothes. The result of satisfaction analysis of target group towards development of cotton pattern by using Mudmee weaving technique for metrosexual menswear by using cutting and connecting method, it was found that target group had satisfaction in much level ( x= 4.16). The result of satisfaction analysis of target group towards design of metrosexual menswear by using cutting and connecting method, it was found that target group had satisfaction towards the clothes in every type in much level (x= 4.26). The type which had mean of the highest satisfaction in the three first types, including suit in type No.3 (x = 4.31); the second was vest, type No.1 (x= 4.29) and overcoat, type No.4 (x= 4.27). The result of satisfaction analysis towards format of brand and packaging product, it was found that target group had satisfaction in much level, having x= 4.23 and 4.30 respectively.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectPatterned fabricen_US
dc.subjectMudmee clothen_US
dc.subjectMens shirtsen_US
dc.subjectMetro Czechesen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of cotton design by mudmee technique for design of men’s metrosexual style clothing by using patchwork methoden_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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