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dc.contributor.authorKaewchueaknang, Varunyaen_US
dc.contributor.authorวรัญญา แก้วเชือกหนังen_US
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2561en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to 1) To analyze the situation of logistics and supply chain of healthy ready to eat meals that sold via online. 2) To study a framework of logistics and supply chain development in value added healthy ready meals that sold via online. 3) To practically benefit in making money from online business in the future which Thailand is entering the digital society according to the policy of Thailand 4.0. The researcher has a desire that this study will contribute to supporting the use of digital technology in business for creating alternatives, decisions, and system management together with the development of the product category. Hence, this enables building long-term competitive advantage for entrepreneurs, and reduces the complexity from the use of digital technology which plays a role in in Thailand's infrastructure and logistics and supply chain management. In this qualitative research, the study sample includes seven full-time or parttime entrepreneurs selling healthy ready meals that sold via online in Bangkok and vicinities. Data collection is conducted through interviews. The study found that the locations of six online healthy ready meals sellers are in Bangkok, and one in Sumutprakarn. Four sellers provide delivery service in Bangkok and vicinities, and three only in Bangkok. Six sellers provide food ordering channel via Line Application, five via Facebook, three via phone call, two via Instagram, and one via a specific food ordering application. Three sellers have more than 21 menus while two other sellers have 8-14 and 15-21 menus. There is no seller whose menus are less than 7. Most of the payment methods, which six sellers provide, are through bank transfer, two sellers by cash, and two sellers by credit/debit cards, respectively. This research can be concluded based on the objectives of this research as follows. 1) Situation of popular online health products. Health-conscious consumers are becoming more interested in food consumption. The suitable calorie intakes are calculated each day, and non-toxic ingredients and safe cooking methods are used. It is found that food delivered directly to consumers must have the appropriate supply chain with logistics activity management in order to be consistent with product category and consumers who are of working age that have no time to cook or eat at a restaurant. Some people think it is impossible to cook as their work is too busy. Therefore they decide to order food online for convenience while they can still take care of health. 2) In studying the framework, it is important to pay attention to raw materials, coordinating with suppliers of raw material, method and workspace of the cook, delivery to customers, customer relationship management, and 3) Practical benefits in making money from online business in the future which Thailand is entering the digital society according to the policy of Thailand 4.0. Therefore, consumer behavior has changed, and it is possible to use technology that is the driving force of the food business, the technological development along with logistics management and supply chain management in quality preservation, cooking of ingredients, transportation and after-sales service. The use of technology can shorten the supply chain because the manufacturer can directly deal with the customer. It can solve the problem or improve the ability of the business directly which will add value and enhance competitiveness. As a result, the business will be growing and competitive in the long run. Suggestions for online food entrepreneurs are the risk of miscommunication and careless transportation that ignores customer details which can cause loss of customers despite not the food quality. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to manage supply chain quality thoroughly. Moreover, the online healthy food entrepreneurs should regularly monitor the quality of raw materials to build credibility so that customers will make the purchase decision once they know the product and then repeat purchase in the future.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectBusiness logisticsen_US
dc.subjectHealthy fooden_US
dc.subjectSupply Chain Managementen_US
dc.titleA framework of logistics and supply chain development in value Added healthy ready meals that sold via onlineen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_Us

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