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dc.contributor.authorWorapongpat, Ntapaten_US
dc.contributor.authorณฐาพัชร์ วรพงศ์พัชร์en_US
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2561en_US
dc.description.abstractThe research on “an integrated marketing strategy for the image development of ecotourism by the community: the case study of Ban Pam Bok, Thung Yao, Pai district, Mae Hong Son” has the objectives as follows: 1) To study the current situation, problem and find the strategy of integrated marketing model to create an ecotourism image by the community. 2) To analyze the potential of the identity of being an ecotourism attraction by the community. And 3) To develop the guideline of an integrated marketing strategy of Ban Pam Bok Thung Yao, Pai district, Mae Hong Son. Part 1, data collecting in quantitative research process and determine the sample with the formula for calculating sample size when the population is unknown at 95% confidence level. The results of the study indicated that most of the tourists are female, age between 21-30 years old, undergraduate or studying at undergraduate level, work as an employee of the private company, the average monthly income is 15,001-25,000 Thai Baht and their residence are in the central region of Thailand. The results of attitude analysis showed that the perception and motivation of the tourists towards the community tourism products found out as follows: 1) The overall attitude of tourists towards the community tourism products is at the medium level (x̄ = 3.36). 2) The attitude of tourists towards the tourist attraction of the community is at high level (x̄ = 3.85). 3) The attitude of tourists towards social, culture, local community, history, and lifestyle of the community are at high level (x̄ = 3.78). 4) The interest of tourists towards the community tourism activities is at high level (x̄ = 3.68). 5) Tourists value the outstanding unique identity of community tourism at high level (x̄ = 3.66). 6) Tourist value good feeling towards community tourism at high level (x̄ = 4.23). 7) The perception that tourists receive from marketing communication of community tourism is at medium level (x̄ = 3.48). 8) The number one community attraction that tourists impress is Boon Ko Ku So Bridge (the longest bamboo bridge in Pai) which is a 67% impression. The analysis of tourist behavior towards the community tourism products showed that most of tourists chose not to stay overnight (58.50%), total tourism expenditure was between 10,001 – 15,000 Thai Baht (36%), they travel with family (40.25%), travel period during October to December (31.50%), self-trip planning (77.75%), the logical motivation to visit is the beautiful nature (50.00%), the emotional motivation to visit is aesthetic in resting (45.00%). The research result by using both logical and emotional motivation factors which is divided into getting to know tourist attraction, outstanding and good sense in marketing sharing of community tourism showed that the group of tourists consisted of group 1 of 201 tourists with high average in all aspects (x̄=3.77, S.D.=3.56), group 2 of 39 tourists with low average in all aspects (x̄=3.39, S.D.=3.18), and group 3 of 160 tourists with the average level close to group 1 (x̄=3.53, S.D.=3.36). The analysis of information about the decision of tourists to choose the community tourism showed the average of 3.68 which classified by the variables as follows: 1) In terms of current factor of the form of tourism that meet the needs of tourists showed that the factor is the variety of tourism products (31.50%). 2) In terms of the source of information that tourists use to find the information to make their decisions in tourist attraction showed that they found from blogger or travel review pages (38.75%). 3) In terms of factoring that tourist use to evaluate the choice of tourist attraction showed that they chose because of the natural resources are outstandingly beautiful (28.50%). The analysis of the marketing mix factors related to the decision-making of tourists to choose their tourism showed that tourists focus on the most important factor in tourism products (x̄ = 4.66), marketing promotion and integrated marketing communication (x̄ = 4.58), and at high level in distribution channel factor and at quite high level in price factor (x̄ = 4.22 and x̄ = 3.65) respectively. Part 2, research and data collection in qualitative research with population and sample size of 15 people in the analysis. Research tools were interviewing guideline and focus group discussion then the information was organized by interpreting the data, describe the information, review the information, and check the accuracy, comprehensiveness and quality of the data. The content analysis was done by using PEST and SWOT analysis as well as Michael E. Porter’s Five Forces Model. Assessing the situation by the Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (IEF) & the External Factors Evaluation Matrix (EFE), then formulate the guidelines and strategies to enhance the competitiveness from Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework and get the IFE Matrix value as 3.00 and EFE Matrix value as 3.400. Strategic position is in Quadrant 2 Grow and Build, which is the strategies to accelerate the growth to use in applying and integrating the appropriate strategies by using the TOWS Matrix analysis as the approach SO strategy by utilizing internal strengths to benefit the probability of external opportunities which are as follows: 1) Market Penetration and Product Development 2) Market Development and Market Penetration, and 3) Product Development and so on.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectIntegrated marketing strategyen_US
dc.subjectMarketing productsen_US
dc.subjectConsumer behavioren_US
dc.titleAn integated marketing strategy for the image development of ecotourism by the community : the case study of Ban Pam Bok, Thung Yao, Pai district, Mae Hong Sonen_US
dc.title.alternativeกลยุทธ์ทางการตลาดแบบบูรณาการเพื่อการสร้างภาพลักษณ์การท่องเที่ยวเชิงนิเวศโดยชุมชน กรณีศึกษา : บ้านแพมบก ตำบลทุ่งยาว อำเภอปาย จังหวัดแม่ฮ่องสอนen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_Us

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