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dc.contributor.authorSoteyome, Thanapopen_US
dc.contributor.authorKeeariyo Chayapaten_US
dc.contributor.authorSakulyunyongsuk, Noppornen_US
dc.contributor.authorธนภพ โสตรโยมen_US
dc.contributor.authorชญาภัทร์ กี่อาริโยen_US
dc.contributor.authorนพพร สกุลยืนยงสุขen_US
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย – มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2560en_US
dc.description.abstractFrom the development of broken-milled rice berry for the elderly to commercial overall, it was found that there are 4 types of products that the elderly accept, included 1.Ready to consume broken-milled rice berry with fried mackerel with shrimp paste sauce. 2. Ready to consume rich ingredient rice berry grains. 3. Ready to consume Stir died broken-milled rice berry with hot yellow curry paste. and 4.broken-milled rice berry burger. Found that the consumer rated the features in terms of color, smell, texture, taste and the allover liking is very much to the most. The consumers gives the score of the product likelihood score 3 is highest. Nutrition studies of all four products which are 1.Ready to consume broken-milled rice berry with fried mackerel with shrimp paste sauce. 2. Ready to consume rich ingredient rice berry grains. 3. Ready to consume Stir died broken-milled rice berry with hot yellow curry paste. and 4.broken-milled rice berry burger found that: all four products are healthful and provide nutrients including essential and beneficial vitamins for elderly whether it be vitamin A, D, B12, K, calcium, Thymine, Niacin, phosphorus, etc. Which these nutrients and vitamins cannot be synthesized by the body itself, also inhibits the deterioration of the organs of the body and prevents various diseases that commonly occur in the elderly. And from microbiological examination for storage study by containing all four products in an opaque package with a list and can withstand over 110 degrees Celsius, storage by temperature control does not exceed four degree Celsius for seven days. The results that, within seven days there are no microorganisms, yeast, and mold have been found in four kinds of products, which shows that storage by temperature control does not exceed four degree Celsius can be stored without harm to the consumers.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectready-to-eat productsen_US
dc.titleReady-to-eat products development from rice berry and waste rice for elderly to commercializationen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US /en_US

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