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dc.contributor.authorJakchaikul, Suraphonen_US
dc.contributor.authorสุรพล จักรชัยกุลen_US
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2560en_US
dc.description.abstractThis Research is to Study the Development of 6k White Gold Alloys for Jewelry Production.The Optimum Conditions for Casting Jewelry and Jewelry were Investigated. The Results of the Experiments Show that the Chemical Composition of the 6k White Gold Alloys is Slightly Different when Compared with XRF (X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers) Pre-and Post-Melting Quantities The Heat of the Test Specimen was found to be 5%Au+42%Ag+12%Cu+3%Zn+18%Pd, 25%Au+46%Ag+8%Cu+3%Zn+ 18%Pd, 25%Au+50%Ag+4% Cu+3% Zn+18% Pd and 25%Au+54%Ag+0%Cu+3%Zn+ 18%Pd It is Found that the Heat from the Beginning to the Level of Change before the Liquid is used the Average Temperature of 702.3 - 636.7 Degrees Celsius, Respectively, 25%Au+54%Ag+0%Cu+3%Zn+18%Pd It is the Formula that Gives the Lowest Value of Liquid State Change from 636.7 Degrees Celsius to the Best Value of this Experiment. Suitable for use in the Manufacture of Jewelry due to its Melting Ability for Molding. Melting for Molding and Formed by Hand. The Amount of Zinc(Zn) may be an Important Factor in the Variation, which is Directly Proportional to the Maximum Increase in the Final order of 3.58 Percent.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectWhite gold jewelryen_US
dc.subjectForming processen_US
dc.subjectJewelry housingen_US
dc.titleA Study an optimum casting condition for manufacturing jewelry setting of white gold alloy 6ken_US
dc.title.alternativeการศึกษาสภาวะที่เหมาะสมสำหรับการหล่อขึ้นรูปตัวเรือนเครื่องประดับโลหะทองขาว 6ken_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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