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dc.contributor.authorSribunrueng, Paweenaen_US
dc.descriptionวิทยานิพนธ์ (บธ.ม.) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2559en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is 1) to compare the trend on goods purchase classified by demographic characteristics, 2) to study the service marketing mix and pattern on the leading of life having the effect on goods purchase behavior, 3) to study the goods purchase behavior having the effect on behavioral trend on goods purchase. Sampling group used in the research are 400 customers purchasing goods at Thonburi Occasional Market (Sanamluang 2) by using Questionnaires as the instruments in gathering information data. Analysis statistics are frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis. It is found, as a result of the research, that most of the Questionnaire repliers are of male sex with ages ranging from 25 years to 34 years; marital status as being married/or cohabitation; educational level of Bachelor Degree, engaged in the occupation of private company employees earning monthly incomes ranging from 10,001 Baht to 20,000 Baht; placing the importance on service market mix in the overall aspects and the incomes which are the aspects of the products, prices, places, marketing promotions, sales staff, physical characteristics and the process in high level; paying interests in the pattern on the leading of life in the overall aspects and by the aspect which are the aspects of the activities, interests and opinions in high level; number of travels for goods purchase per 3 months is approximately 5 times averagely; average expenses on goods purchase each time is 2,307 Baht with a trend to return for the goods purchase again and will recommend other persons to come for goods purchase, as well. As a result of hypothetical test, it is found that customers of different ages have the behaviors on goods purchase on the aspect of number of travels for goods purchase per 3 months differently with implicitly statistical significance at the level of 0.05 and the service market mix on the aspect of the prices and places have the effect on goods purchase behavior on the aspect of the number of travels for goods purchase per 3 months; the service market mix on the aspect of physical characteristics and pattern on the leading of life, activities and interests have the effect on goods purchase behavior on the aspect of the expenses on goods purchase each time. In addition, the goods purchase behavior on the aspects of the goods purchase each time has the effect on the trend on the goods purchase behavior on the aspect of a return for goods purchase again and the goods purchase behavior on the aspect of the number of travels for goods purchase per 3 months has the effect on the trend on the goods purchase behavior on the aspect of goods purchase behavior on the aspect of recommending the other persons to come for goods purchase.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Teehnology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectservice market mixen_US
dc.subjectgoods purchase behavioren_US
dc.titleService marketing mix, pattern on the leading a life, behavior and behavioral trend on goods purchase of thonburi occasional market (sanamluang 2) customers.en_US
dc.title.alternativeส่วนประสมทางการตลาดบริการพฤติกรรมและแนวโน้มพฤติกรรมการซื้อ สินค้าของลูกค้าตลาดนัดธนบุรี (สนามหลวง 2)en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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