Browsing Faculty of Science and Technology by Author "[email protected]"
Now showing items 1-20 of 204
Air Pressure and Wind Direction Prediction by the Global Climate Model
Saiuparad, Sunisa; สุนิสา สายอุปราช (2020-01-24)At present, the climate is changing due to changing environment. Industrial pollution Smoke from the traffic of cars on the road. Dust from the burning of forests, etc. This change makes the climate change rapidly. Affect ... -
Alternative energy from fresh water weed, hydrilla verticillata (L.f) royle
Sawekwiharee, Sangwoei; สังเวย เสวกวิหารี (2020-02-19)Energy is an important factor in the necessity of human life. Many countries around the world are seeking alternative energy sources. To use as alternative energy. Our alternative sources of energy are ethanol, which can ... -
Antibacterial activity of guava leaf extract and guava leaf extracted hand sanitiser gel preparation
Kuttiyawong, Anchana; อัญชนา ขัตติยะวงศ์; Panich, Sirirat; สิริรัตน์ พานิช (2021-09-07)This research investigated the effect of antibacterial activity of Guava leaves extract. Antibacterial activity was determined by agar well diffusion method and test with Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Escherichia ... -
An application of Bayesian Models for risk of withdrawal from calculus 2 for engineers of students at Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Pra Nakorn, North Bangkok Campus
Sammatat, Sunee; Lekdee, Krisada; Tongkhow, Pitsanu (2011-08-28)The objectives of this research are: to study the characteristics of students in the Faculty of Engineering at Rajamangala University of Technology Pra Nakorn, North Bangkok Campus, that influence to the risk of withdrawal ... -
The assessment of total suspended particulate (tsp) and particulate matter less than 10 μm (pm) at AmphoeMuangPathumthani Province. 10
Photong, Tippawan; Wonghadach, Utumporn (2018-07-23)The purpose of this . 0.0. 0. experimental study was to concentration ofdust values particlessmaller than10micrometersinAmphoeMuangPathumThani and to analyzethe concentration oftotaldustvalues inAmphoeMuangPathumThaniTo ... -
Khamvirat, Daungjai (2010-09-01)The purpose of this study was to study the attitude towards statistic and the students' learning achievement through Statistic I of students through the use of a cooperative learning method with STAD. The samples was ... -
Bagasse packaging antagonising fungi with tumeric extract for green cos lettuce cultivation
Buaban, Piyapat; ปิยะพัทธ์ บัวบาน; Lumjuan, Sarinya; สริญญา ลำจวน (2020-09-11)The purpose of this research was to develop bagasse packaging antagonizing fungi with turmeric extract for Green Cos Lettuce cultivation. The bagasse package would incorporated with fungistatic turmeric extract, instead ... -
Basic factor of Efficient Information Technology management In rajamangala university of Tecnology, Phra nakhon
Jakchaikul, Vipa; Sa-nauanduan, Somsak (2010-09-03)The purpose of the research was first to study the need of information technology application in , second to study the types of information technology services that is effectively corresponding to the need of users. The ... -
Behavior academic dishonesty among students in Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon
Smithpreecha, Narudee (2011-08-29)การวิจัยครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาและเปรียบเทียบพฤติกรรมไม่ซื่อสัตย์ทางวิชาการของนักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนครจำแนกตามตัวแปรเพศ คณะที่ศึกษาอยู่ และผลการศึกษาเฉลี่ยสะสม และหาความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างตัวแปรสถานการณ์ ... -
Ceramic Membrane Filtration from Industrial Ashes
Laongthong, Sunida; สุนิดา ละอองทอง; Waijai, Phuttharaksa; พุทธรักษา ไหวใจ; Laongthong, Sunisa; สุนิสา ละอองทอง (2020-09-11)This research studied the efficiencies of ceramic membrane filtration from industrial asphalt for dyeing wastewater treatment by forming a ceramic membrane in a diameter of 6 cm, height of 2 cm. An appropriate proportion ... -
Characteristics of natural fermented maieng extracts used as an important in cosmetics for technology transfer to sakaddee, Nhan Province
Nicomrat, Duongruitai; ดวงฤทัย นิคมรัฐ; Soonsombat, Patarika; ภัทริกา สูงสมบัติ; Luckamnuyporn, Natchamai; ณัฐชมัย ลักษณ์อำนวยพร (2023-04-02)The research team had thought of studying the properties of natural fermented Maieng extract as an important antioxidant substance in cosmetics. to transfer to the Sakadee community, Nan Province. The research had started ... -
Chemical composition and biological activity of ficus hispida linn
Polyium, Udomwish; Malaphan, Thaweesiri (2012-08-30)To study the effect biological activity of a fig tree extract using Sequential Extraction and use of fennentation Maceration using solvent 3 types of hexane, ethyl acid state, and methanol to extract 12 Chanin made. ... -
Chemicals management of chemistry laboratories in thailand's higher educational institutions.
Polyium, Udomwish; Wichiranon, Songsiri (2011-08-23)The purposes of this research were to study of chemicals management problems in Thailand s higher educational Institutions. It also focused on comparing of problems level of teachers who were different in sex, age, ... -
Comparative floral ontogeny of Hydrobryum loeicum, Hy. tardhuangense and Hanseniella heterophylla (Podostemaceae)
Werukamkul, Petcharat; Ampornpan, La-aw (2012-08-30)In order to elucidate the floral ontogeny of certain Thai species of the subfamily Podostemoideae, the flowering shoots of Hanseniella heterophy/la, Hydrobryum loeicum and Hy. tardhuangense were observed using scanning ... -
Comparison efficiency of cafeteria wastewater treatment with em microbe produce by banana, watermelon and guava case study : Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon Cafeteria (North Bangkok Campus)
Sithisri, Natthacha; Suphap, Nutta; Soodrung, Autchara (2018-07-23)A Comparison Efficiency of Cafeteria Wastewater Treatment with EM Produced by Banana, Watermelon and Guava Case Study : Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon Cafeteria ( North Bangkok Campus) has the objective ... -
The comparison of energy absorption capability from PZT for machine vibration analysis
Peachdaweerach, Thanyathron; ธัญธร เพชรทวีรัตน์; Greepphung, Jutamas; จุฑามาส กลีบพึ่ง (2022-01-31)The purpose of the research is to devise and implement for testing the ability to absorb energy from vibration. The results are obtained from simulating the operating status of small machines. In order to get the mechanical ... -
The Comparison of Factor Affecting Enrollment in Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon of First Year Students
Atikankul, Yupapin (2010-08-15)The purpose of this research is to study and compare several factors which can influence how first year students make their decisions to study in Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon. The samples were about 370 ... -
The concentration of lead in particles and Its health risk assessment at Amphoe Muang Pathumthani Province
Choomchuay, Chutamas; Phantasen, Aroonrat (2018-07-24)14 samples of TSP and PMwere collected within the area of Amphoe Muang Pathumthani from 7 stations at Tambon Bang Prok, Bang Duea, Bang Khu Wat, Bang Kradee, Lak Hok, Bang Changand and Kra Sang during February to March ... -
Conduct of sludge from wastewater treatment of milk production transform of fuel case study : frieslandcampina fresh (Thailand) co.,ltd
Mahapram, Kittima; Mongkol, Sirima; Kreekongka, Benchapon (2018-07-23)This study was experimental study that had the propose to investigate the possibility of using sludge from wastewater treatment of milk production in case study of Friesland Campina Fresh (Thailand) Co Ltd. This study ... -
The construction sound book consist learning technology and computer subject for blind eyes.
Intrapunya, Ubolwan; Singhath, Papatsoru (2011-08-23)The purpose of this study. To create sound books for the blind to the blind students have learned. Listened to sound books. The knowledge about the course to determine the efficiency of computer technology and satisfaction. ...