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dc.contributor.authorSuwansri, Prayuth
dc.contributor.authorPiwthong, Radchanee
dc.descriptionรายงานการวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2556en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research are to examine the students’ Awareness and Behavior on Mobile Phone Hazardous Waste Management (ABMPWM) comparative studies of dependent variables among the levels of independent variables and their Corresponding correlation’s between their exposure to information and ABMPWM and to yield the appropriate means for managing mobile phone waste. The survey research using self-administered questionnaires was conducted on 450 random samples from 264,027 students with study standing at junior and senior high school in Bangkok. The analytical statistical methods used were percentage, mode, mean, S.D.(Standard Deviation), T-Test, F-Test, One-way ANOVA Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis & Prediction Model. The level of the Awareness on Mobile Phone Hazardous Waste Management index (AMPHWM index) was high. The AMPHWM index of men was higher than women and significance difference (p<.05). The group of 13-14 years of age had AMPHWM index at the highest level. The samples of junior high school students had higher AMPHWM index than the group of senior high school students. The group of students who bought the mobile phone themselves had higher AMPHWM index than the others. The group of students belonging the mobile phone with 15,000 baht had higher AMPHWM index than the low price. The group of students paying service charge monthly about 301-500 had higher AMPHWM index than the group paying more or less. The group of exposure to information had higher AMPHWM than no exposure to information group. Most of students received information from T.V.. The Awareness on Management of Mobile Phone Waste of the group of exposure to information and the group did not expose to information had correlation to the Behavior on Management of Mobile Phone Waste. The level of the Behavior on Mobile Phone Hazardous Waste Management index (BMPHWM index ) was average. The BMPHWM index of men was higher than women. The group of 13-14 years of age had higher than the others. The samples of junior high school students had higher BMPHWM index than the group of senior high school students. The group of students who bought the mobile phone themselves had higher BMPHWM index than the others. The group of students belonging the mobile phone with more 8,001-15,000 baht had higher BMPHWM index than the lower and higher price. The group of students paying service charge monthly about 301-500 had higher BMPHWM than the group paying more or less. The group of exposure to information had higher BMPHWM index than no exposure to information group. The group of students received information from internet or electric media had higher BMPHWM index than the group students who received the information from the others.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectCell phonesen_US
dc.subjectBangkok Metropolitan Administrationen_US
dc.subjectเยาวชน -- พฤติกรรมen_US
dc.subjectBangkok Metropolitanen_US
dc.subjectmobile phone hazardous wasteen_US
dc.titleAwareness and behavior on mobile phone hazardous waste management : A case study of youth in Bangkok Metropolitanen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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