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dc.contributor.authorBoonme, Polrut
dc.contributor.authorMongkonlerdmanee, Songwut
dc.contributor.authorLakkam, Supachai
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2556en_US
dc.description.abstractBrake system is used the friction between disk and pads. In the driving conditions, the brake behavior from the driver is difference. Based on this reason, the damage on disk and pads are occurring. Nowadays, the ratio of compound materials in pads is several and involved automotive industry has not available enough to experiment. Thus, it is difficult to brake pads damaged analyzing in several driving conditions. In this problem , the mechanical property tester is main tool for experimental works, and test procedure base on the Brake lining and disc brake pads compressibility JIS D 4413. The experiment emphasizes on the flexibility behavior and internal energy by volume with 3 types of brake lining and pads. For the experiment focused on conditions by normal apply brake, repeat apply brake and suddenly apply brake. The results revealed the normal apply brake condition, the maximum and minimum of flexibility behavior was appeared on brake lining and pads type A and type C with testing temperature at 200C. By the repeat and suddenly apply brake conditions, the brake lining and pads type C and type A with 300C is given to the maximum and minimum flexibility behavior. In case of internal energy by volume, the maximum and minimum energy was appeared on pads type C and type B at the 30C of testing temperature. For the testing temperature at 200 and 400C, the pads type A and type B were got the maximum and minimum energy respectively. On the other hand, at the high flexibility behavior is given to high internal energy at the high temperature of the apply brake condition.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectBake padsen_US
dc.subjectวัสดุผสม -- การทดสอบen_US
dc.subjectรถยนต์ -- เบรกen_US
dc.titleCompressive testing of compound material under difference temperaturesen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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