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dc.contributor.authorWangyen, Jaratpim
dc.descriptionรายงานวิจัย--มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2554en_US
dc.description.abstractClothes design for local Product Style Development Case study : Pha Chok Thai – Yuan Ratchaburi province, there is important objective in the education studies the production of Pha Chok Thai – Yuan Ratchaburi province to style analyze Clothes Design for Local Product Style Development . The focus of the development of local products The study result meets that of Pha Chok Thai – Yuan Ratchaburi province , there is format development of cloth design follows requirement way of consumer group , by have the idea in cloth weaving original way cooperates the production for the business for responds to build market system where happens from the development follows idea frame in the community development , cloth Thai weaving has whirled can separate weaving way 2 and encourage the idea development from garment of Pha Chok Thai – Yuan Ratchaburi province the point, for example the point is first , weaving for inheriting wisdom, the point is second , weaving for the business , which , bilateral the point can separate the character has of the fabric 4 the group , for example , 1 pha sin tin chok 2. pha sin Ta 3. the cloth no motif 4. the cloth of other designs , will have weaving applied format character follows the idea of Weavers that create to go up , from the experience , by 4 both of group cloths have will the design that implies way idea lead original integrate with contemporary idea which , can summarize get 2 the group , for example , 1. the original pattern 2. the applicability pattern. Study then lead the cloth in the group of sin ta comes to use in designing clothes, because of the cloth in this group has design character that splits full the clothes , there is the suitability in the bringing uses in designing clothes most and the design has small-sized and have using color various , moreover , the price still have the suitability in the bringing develops products format , bring design the clothes for the age group works by age between 25 - 40 year , by have analysis result attitude lead that have to build the filtration uses readymade clothes from the cloth weaves cloth natives comes to use cooperate designing clothes 6 group amounts , emphasize format development are appropriate the target group , and use valuable cloth is appropriate the bringing processes to garment clothes.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectThe costume desingen_US
dc.subjectPha Chok Thai - Yuanen_US
dc.subjectThe development of local productsen_US
dc.subjectClothes designen_US
dc.titleClothes design for local product style development case study : Pha Chok Thai – Yuan Ratchaburi provinceen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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